Need help finding the right words? Here’s some inspiration to start your heartfelt recordable voice message.
Say it with a bear this Easter! Add a timeless keepsake to any basket by adding a recorded voice message to their furry friend.
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You will receive a message that your recording has been successfully uploaded.
Note: It is normal for the page to load for a few seconds while your recording is being reviewed. Please do not refresh or navigate away from the page at this time; doing so will interfere with your recording being saved.
We are unable to process recordings containing copyrighted materials (such as music, TV, or movie clips), profanity, or any other content that is not considered "family-friendly". If any such content is detected in your recording, it will not be accepted, and you'll be prompted to re-record.
Recordings must contain at least 6 seconds of audio and can be up to 30 seconds in length. An additional Record Your Voice chip can be added to your furry friend (additional charge applies) if you have more to say!
Recordings must be completed at time of order; we cannot accept recordings via email or file upload at this time. To record a voicemail or other existing message, simply play the audio aloud from another device into the microphone of the device you're ordering from.
Yes! Create or sign into your Bonus Club account before checking out to save your recording in your account. You'll be able to view and listen to all recordings you've created while logged in within the “Recordings” section of your Bonus Club account. Any recording that is not accepted due to content or audio quality will not be saved.
Only recordings created at time of order and while logged in will be saved in your account. 0800 542 0634 is no longer supported; any recordings created via free phone line or in-store will not be saved.
To complete your Record Your Voice order, recordings and vocal data are processed through third-party services for the purpose of confirming the recording does not contain prohibited or copyrighted content. Full details are included in the Record Your Voice Terms and Conditions, which must be accepted before you can begin recording.
Please double check that microphone access has been enabled via your browser. Your browser will need access to your microphone before you can begin recording.
If you are able to begin recording but your audio isn't detected, this is likely a problem with your device microphone. If you have a headset or other external microphone, double check that the one selected is connected appropriately. You can also change the selected device from the "Select Input" dropdown.
As with any battery-operated device, these sound chips do have a lifespan. Personalised Record-Your-Voice chips have a maximum life of 2 years, but exact lifespan depends on usage. For example, a 10-second recording will last roughly 1,350 plays. Be sure to create or log in to your Bonus Club account before checkout so your recording can be saved for future access.
Yes! When you choose to add a Record-Your-Voice message to your furry friend in the Workshop, you will record directly at our "Hear Me" station. Our Bear Builders will be happy to help you make the perfect personalised furry friend!